Adding Lines to a File
You add text with the Add command. Qedit numbers each line you add. Pressing Return at any spot in the line moves you to a new line. This means that you can put a blank line into your text if you press Return twice in a row. Qedit continues to add your lines of text until you type // (two slashes) at the beginning of a new line and press Return. Try typing Add right now, and Qedit moves the cursor and prints some identifying information:
/add {remember to press Return}
QEDITSCR {Qedit displays this line}
Temporary File List * = 1 {and this line too}
1 _ {go on, Qedit is waiting for you}
Continue to "add" by typing in this example:
1 MEMO TO: Drama Staff, News Simulation Dept.
3 FROM: Marie Reimer, Publicity Dept.
5 Please check your in-baskets daily and
6 respond to your fan mail within a week.
7 // {stop adding for now}
/ {Qedit is waiting again}
You can add lines anywhere in the file by typing Add followed by the line number where you want to start your insertion. For example, if you decide to date this memo, type at the slash prompt:
/add 2
2.1 DATE: November 18, 2000
2.3 //
You have added line 2.1 for the date, and line 2.2, which is blank. Line 2.3 is not put into your file, since typing the double slash stopped the adding. Notice that Qedit used line numbers that would fit between line 2 and line 3. Now, if you want to see what the whole thing looks like, type List ALL at the slash prompt.
/list all
1 MEMO TO: Drama Staff, News Simulation Dept.
2.1 DATE: November 18, 2000
3 FROM: Marie Reimer, Publicity Dept.
5 Please check your in-baskets daily and
6 respond to your fan mail within a week.