Open and Shut for Instant Access

Qedit 5.7 for HP-UX

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Open and Shut for Instant Access

Only Qedit files can be opened and shut. It is much faster to use the Open command than it is to use the Text command, because you make changes directly to the Open file. With a Text file, you must wait for Qedit to make a copy to which you make your changes.

Using the Shut command saves the current scratchfile as a permanent Qedit workfile. In the case of a scratchfile, the name of the new workfile must not exist. You can Shut a new file, or a file that you made a copy of (with the Text command). Name the file as described above.

If you are working on a Qedit workfile, Qedit renames it before closing.

qux/t myfile1

'Language' is now DATA {copy of myfile1 in scratchfile}

20 lines in file
qux/sh myfile1

Retained existing file for you. {myfile1 already exists. No change.}

qux/sh {renamed to}

qux/open *
Open /home/user1/ Current = 1 Margins = 1/80
qux/sh myfile1.newwork
File renamed.

A workfile looks like any other file from the outside. For example,

ll myfile1*
-rw-rw-rw-   1 francois   users          533 Aug 17 18:33 myfile1
-rw-rw-rw-   1 francois   users        16384 Dec  8 07:15

However, you can use the HP-UX file command to determine the file type. In order for file to recognize Qedit files, you need to edit /etc/magic.

login as root

$ cd /etc 
$ qedit
qux/Text magic
qux/Add last

0\tstring\tQEDIT\tQedit {\t indicates tab characters}

qux/Set Decimal On

qux/Change "\t" '9 * {change \t to actual tab characters}


You can now use the file command on these files.

$ file myfile1*
myfile1:       ascii text  Qedit

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