ROBELLE Environment Variable

Qedit 5.7 for HP-UX

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ROBELLE Environment Variable

Qedit looks for the files it needs in the /robelle directory. Normally, Qedit is installed in /opt/robelle. For example, the Qedit server expects to find its log files in a subdirectory called log/qedit. It would expect to find the error log file in


which is the default full path name of the error log. If you install Qedit in a directory other than /opt/robelle, Qedit should be able to determine the new location and adjust the path for its support files (e.g., online help for host-based Qedit, log files for the server).

If Qedit is unable to correctly determine its current location, it is going to revert back to /opt/robelle.

If you wish to use a specific path explicitly, you need to set the ROBELLE environment variable to the new directory. For example,

export ROBELLE

There are two limitations to the path name: the full path name of the file must be no more than 240 characters, and the path name to the /robelle directory must be no more than 219 characters. A slash mark (/) is optional at the end of your ROBELLE environment variable. To set up the log files in the new directory, you have to manually create the "log" or "help" subdirectory in the alternate search path.

So, in order to determine the location of support files, Qedit goes through the following:

  • Uses the ROBELLE variable, if it exists.
  • If the ROBELLE variable does not exist, Qedit tries to identify the location it is running from and, if successful, determines the location based on that information.

If the information from the previous steps is not available, Qedit assumes the files are in the /opt/robelle directory.

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