Verify Command [V]

Qedit 5.7 for HP-UX

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Verify Command [V]

Prints the status of Qedit, the current workfile, and Set options.

VERIFY [ @ | ALL ]

[ keyword ...]

(Default: show nonstandard options)

The default is to show the options which are not in their default state. Verify All shows every Set option in the exact form that Qedit accepts (the shortest form is shown in uppercase).

The keywords may be any Set option, or Alias, Exit, Proc, Prog, Run, String, Lastfile, Visual, Version, Z for Zave, or ZZ for the marked range.


/verify            {show nondefault values}
/ver open          {describe the Open workfile}
/ver visual        {Visual mode status and options}
/v @               {print full status on Stdlist}
/verify version    {Qedit version number}
/verify string     {current "string" for F3/F4}
/verify lastfile   {previous file for List $}
/v $               {abbreviation for previous file}
/verify exit       {does Qedit suspend on Exit?}
/verify zz         {currently marked range}

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