Visual Mode for HP Terminals
Full-screen editing as implemented on HP3000 computers only works on HP-UX versions earlier than 11.0. On HP-UX 11.0 or later, full-screen editing is available in Screen mode (Set Visual Screen On) on VT-type terminals or in Visual Blockemulation emulation (Set Visual Blockemulation On) on HP-type terminals.
As its name implies, Blockemulation emulates block-mode operations by reading each line one by one instead of reading the whole screen in a single operation. Depending on the type of connection, this process might take a few seconds as the cursor moves down the screen.
On HP terminals, Qedit's full-screen mode is called Visual mode. The function keys give you eight quick functions: F1 = Visual, F2 = Roll up, F3 = Findup, F4 = Find, F5 = Browse backward one page, F6 = Browse forward, F7 = Listredo, and F8 = Exit.
Press the F1 key or use the Visual command to switch to full-screen mode, where you can edit a full screen of text with the terminal keys. The Enter key passes the revised screen back to Qedit, and the F7 key executes any Line command that you type on the home line. If you have an HP terminal or emulator, you will want to export RCRTMODEL so that you can use advanced screen features. See "Variables that Drive Qedit."
To return from Visual mode to Line mode, press the F8 key. To save your changes to the Text file, use the Keep command. To get out of Qedit, type Exit or press F8 again.
If you forget to Keep your changes, Qedit asks if you want to "Discard your changes?" or stay in Qedit to save them.