Copying Lines

Qedit 5.7 for HP-UX

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Copying Lines

Copying lines is a variation of the Add command. One reason we might want to copy lines is to make a general-purpose form out of our memo. We can keep a sample memo form at the beginning of the file, then copy it to the end of the file and fill it in whenever we need to communicate. This is how to do it:

/add last = first/4
  7    MEMO TO: News Simulation Department
  9    DATE:  November 18, 2000
 11    FROM:    Marie Reimer, Publicity Department
6 lines COPIED

Qedit copies the rangelist (first/4 = first line to line 4) after the indicated line (here, last line in file). To accomplish our goal of placing the sample memo template at the beginning of the file, we'll have to move the first six lines so they follow our new sample. Before we try moving lines, a last tip on copying: you can copy lines from an external file by including the file name in the command, placed after the equals sign and right before the rangelist.

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