

Window.SetPositionPart of Window module

Syntax   Window.SetPosition (windowID : int, x, y : int)

Description   The Window.SetPosition procedure moves the location of the specified execution window on the screen. x and y specify the lower left corner of the window in screen coordinates. (0, 0) is the lower left corner of the screen.

Example   The following program opens four windows, one at each corner of the screen.

        % Constants for windows
        const titleBarHeight : int := 21
        const windowEdgeSize : int := 13
        % Calculate the actual size of a window
        var windowWidth : int := maxx + windowEdgeSize
        var windowHeight : int := maxy + windowEdgeSize + titleBarHeight
        % Get the screen size
        var screenWidth : int := Config.Display (cdScreenWidth)
        var screenHeight : int := Config.Display (cdScreenHeight)
        % Open the window
        var winID1 : int := Window.Open ("title:Upper Right")
        Window.SetPosition (winID1, screenWidth  windowWidth,                   screenHeight  windowHeight)
        var winID2 : int := Window.Open ("title:Upper Left")
        Window.SetPosition (winID2, 0, screenHeight  windowHeight)
        var winID3 : int := Window.Open ("title:Lower Left")
        Window.SetPosition (winID3, 0, 0)
        var winID4 : int := Window.Open ("title:Lower Right")
        Window.SetPosition (winID4, screenWidth  windowWidth, 0)

Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Window.SetPosition, not by calling SetPosition.

See also   Window.GetPosition to get the current window position and Config.Display to get the size of the screen.