

Text.WhatRowPart of Text module

Syntax   Text.WhatRow : int

Description   The Text.WhatRow function is used to determine the cursor position's row.

Example   This program outputs The current row is 5, the current column is 15.

        Text.Locate  ( 5, 10 )
        put "12345"..
        put "The current row is", Text.WhatRow
        put "The current column is", Text.WhatCol

Details   The screen should be in a "screen" or "graphics" mode. Text.WhatRow functions properly even if the cursor is invisible.

Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Text.WhatRow, not by calling WhatRow.

See also   the Text.WhatCol function, which is used to determine the cursor column. See also the Text.Locate, Text.maxrow and Text.maxcol procedure.