implement by


implement by clause

Syntax   An implementByClause is:

 implement by implementByItem

Description   An implement-by clause is used to specify that a module, monitor or class C is to be automatically implemented by the implementByItem. C is called the interface and the implementByItem, which must contain an implement clause, is called the implementation. See implement clause for details and an example.

The implement-by clause can only be used in a unit. See unit for the definition of a unit.

An implementByItem is one of:

 (a) id
 (b) id in fileName

The second form is used when the implement-by clause is for a separate unit and the imported item is in a file whose name is different from the item's name, as in:

        implement by ledgerBody in "ledgbod.t"
The fileName must be an explicit character string, e.g., "ledgbod.t". See also unit. Parentheses are allowed around the items in an implement-by clauses, as in:

        implement by ( ledgerBody in "ledgbod.t" )