

GUI.Pic...Part of GUI module

Syntax   GUI.PicDraw (widgetID : int, picID, x, y, mode : int)

GUI.PicNew (widgetID : int, x1, y1, x2, y2 : int ) : int

GUI.PicScreenLoad (widgetID : int, fileName : string,
    x, y, mode : int)

GUI.PicScreenSave (widgetID : int, x1, y1, x2, y2 : int,
fileName : string)

Description   Performs a Pic… command to the canvas specified by widgetID.

All of these routines are essentially the same as the similarly-named procedures in the Pic module. All coordinates are based on the canvas and all drawing is clipped to the canvas drawing surface.

Example   See the ScrollPic program in GUI.CreateHorizontalScrollBarFull for an example of GUI.PicDraw.

Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the procedures by calling GUI.Pic…, not by calling Pic….

See also   GUI.CreateCanvas.