


Description   This unit contains constants and functions used in determining the mathematical accuracy of the language.

All routines in the Limits module are exported qualified (and thus must be prefaced with "Limits.") except maxint, maxnat, minint and minnat, which are exported unqualified (this means you can call those entry points directly).

Entry Points           
DefaultFW Default fraction width used in printing using the "put" statement.
DefaultEW Default exponent width used in printing using the "put" statement.
minint The minimum integer in Turing (exported unqualified).
maxint The maximum integer in Turing (exported unqualified).
minnat The minimum natural number in Turing (exported unqualified).
maxnat The maximum natural number in Turing (exported unqualified).

Real numbers are represented in Turing as: f * (radix ** e) or 0
where for non-zero f:
(1 / radix) <= abs (f) and abs (f) < 1.0
minexp <= e and e <= maxexp.

Radix The "radix" (usually 2).
NumDigits The number of radix digits in f.
MinExp "minexp" (the smallest exponent allowed).
MaxExp "maxexp" (the largest exponent allowed).
GetExp Function that returns the value of "e".
SetExp Procedure that sets the value of "e".
Rreb The relative round-off error bound.