


Syntax   A resultStatement is:

 result expn

Description   A result statement, which must appear only in a function, is used to provide the value of the function.

Example   This function doubles its parameter.

        function double ( x : real ) : real
            result 2 * x
        end double
        put double ( 5.3 )      % This outputs 10.6

Example   This function finds the position of a name in a list.

        function find ( a : array 1 .. 100 of string ) : int
            for i : 1 .. 100
                if a ( i ) = name then
                    result i
                end if
            end for
        end find

Details   The execution of a result statement computes the value of the expression (expn) and terminates the function, returning the value as the value of the function.

The expression must be assignable to the result type of the function, for example, in double, 2*x is assignable to real. (See the assignmentStatement for the definition of assignable.)

A function must terminate by executing a result statement and not by reaching the end of the function.