

Text.WhatColPart of Text module

Syntax   Text.WhatCol : int

Description   The Text.WhatCol function is used to determine the cursor position's column.

Example   This program outputs The current row is 5, the current column is 15.

        Text.Locate  ( 5, 10 )
        put "12345"..
        put "The current row is", Text.WhatRow
        put "The current column is", Text.WhatCol

Details   The screen should be in a "screen" or "graphics" mode. Text.WhatCol functions properly even if the cursor is invisible.

Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Text.WhatCol , not by calling WhatCol .

See also   the Text.WhatRow function, which is used to determine the cursor row. See also the Text.Locate, Text.maxrow and Text.maxcol procedure.