


Syntax   An invariantAssertion is:

 invariant trueFalseExpn

Description   An invariant assertion is a special form of an assert statement that is used only in loop and for statements and in modules, monitors, and classes. It is used to make sure that a specific requirement is met. This requirement is given by the trueFalseExpn. The trueFalseExpn is evaluated. If it is true, all is well and execution continues. If it is false, execution is terminated with an appropriate message. See assert, loop and for statements and the module declarations for more details.

Example   This program uses an invariant in a for loop. The invariant uses the function nameInList to specify that a key has not yet been found in an array of names.

        var name : array 1 .. 100 of string
        var key : string
        … input name and key …
        function nameInList ( n : int) : boolean
            for i : 1 .. n
                if key = name ( i ) then
                    result true
                end if
            end for
            result false
        end nameInList
        for j : 1 .. 100
            invariant not nameInList ( j - 1)
            if key = name ( j) then
                put "Found name at ", j
            end if
        end loop