

record type

Syntax   A recordType is:

  id {, id } : typeSpec
  { id {, id } : typeSpec }
 end record

Description   Each value of a record type consists of fields, one field for each name (id) declared inside the record. In the following example, the fields are name, phoneNumber and address.


        type phoneRecord :
                name : string ( 20 )
                phoneNumber : int
                address : string ( 50 )
            end recordvar oneEntry : phoneRecord
        var phoneBook : array 1 .. 100 of phoneRecord
        var i : int
        oneEntry .name := "Turing, Alan"
        phoneBook ( i ) := oneEntry % Assign whole record

Details   In a record, id's of fields must be distinct. However, these need not be distinct from identifiers outside the record. Records can be assigned as a whole (to records of an equivalent type), but they cannot be compared. A semicolon can optionally follow each typeSpec.

Any array contained in a record must have bounds that are known at compile time.

The notation > can be used to access record fields. For example, if p is a pointer to phoneRecord, p>name locates the name field. See pointer.