

selfpointer to current object

Syntax   self

Description   The self function produces a pointer to the current object. This function can be used only inside a class declaration. See class.

Example   Enter the current object onto a list of displayable objects. The module called displayable has exported a procedure called enter whose parameter type is pointer to anyclass. Since self is a pointer to C and C is a descendant of anyclass, it is legal to pass self to displayable.enter.

        class C
            import displayable
            displayable.enter ( self ) …
        end C

Details   It is illegal to call the exported entries of a class until the current object has been completely initialized, so, many calls to the current object using self will not be legal.

The notation to call exported subprogram p of an enclosing class C or of its ancestor D, is C.p or D.p. Calls of this form, which can appear only within class C, call the subprogram in C (or in D in the case of D.p) regardless of the object type, or of any overriding, or of the status of initialization.