

RGB.AddColorPart of RGB module

Syntax   RGB.AddColor (redComp, greenComp, blueComp : real) : int

Description   The RGB.AddColor function attempts to create a new color with the red, green and blue components specified. If successful, the function returns a new color number (usually one greater than maxcolor) and maxcolor is updated by adding 1 to it. If it is unsuccessful, the function returns 1 and Error.Last and Error.LastMsg can be used to determine the cause of the problem.

The red, green and blue values must normalized to be between 0 and 1. Thus to add the pure red to the color palette, you would call:

        newColor := RGB.AddColor (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
newColor would be set to the color added, or 1 if the attempt to add a color failed.

Example   This program adds a palette of 16 blues to the end of the color palette.

        var clr : int
        for blueShade : 0 .. 15
             clr = RGB.AddColor (0, 0, blueShade / 15)
             if clr = 1 then
                put "Color add failed on shade number ", blueShade
                put "Added color number ", clr
            end if
        end for
Details RGB.AddColour is an alternate spelling for RGB.AddColor.

Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling RGB.AddColor, not by calling AddColor.

See also   RGB.GetColorand RGB.SetColor.