

realstrreal-to-string function

Syntax   realstr ( r : real, width : int ) : string

Description   The realstr function is used to convert a real number to a string. For example, realstr (2.5e1, 4)="bb25" where b represents a blank. The string is an approximation to r, padded on the left with blanks as necessary to a length of width.

The width parameter must be non-negative. If the width parameter is not large enough to represent the value of r it is implicitly increased as needed. The displayed value is rounded to the nearest decimal equivalent with this accuracy. In the case of a tie, the display value is rounded to the next larger value.

The string realstr (r, width ) is the same as the string frealstr (r, width, defaultfw ) when r =0 or when 1e-3 < abs (r ) < 1e6, otherwise the same as erealstr (r, width, defaultfw, defaultew), with the following exceptions. With realstr, trailing fraction zeroes are omitted, and the decimal point is omitted if the entire fraction is zero. (These omissions take place even if the exponent part is printed.) If an exponent is printed, any plus sign and leading zeroes are omitted. Thus, whole number values are in general displayed as integers.

Defaultfw is an implementation-defined number of fractional digits to be displayed. For most implementations, defaultfw will be 6.

Defaultew is an implementation-defined number of exponent digits to be displayed. For most implementations, defaultew will be 2.

The realstr function approximates the inverse of strreal, although round-off errors keep these from being exact inverses.

See also   the erealstr, frealstr, strreal, intstr and strint functions.