


Syntax   An explicitConstant is one of:

 (a)explicitStringConstant % e.g.: "Hello world"
 (b)explicitIntegerConstant % e.g.: 25
 (c)explicitRealConstant % e.g.: 51.8
 (d)explicitTrueFalseConstant % e.g.: true
 (e)explicitCharConstant % e.g.: 'Hi'

Description   An explicitConstant gives its value directly. For example, the value of the explicit constant 25 is twenty-five.

Example   In the following, the explicit constants are "Hello world", 3.14159 and 2. Note that pi is a named constant rather than an explicit constant.

        put "Hello world"
        var diameter : real
        const pi := 3.14159
        diameter := pi * r ** 2
        var x := diameter

Details   In some programming languages, explicit constants are called literals or literal values, because they literally (explicitly) give their values.

See also   explicitStringConstant, explicitIntegerConstant, explicitRealConstant, explicitTrueFalseConstant and explicitCharConstant. See also enumeratedValue.