

locatexygraphics procedure

Syntax   locatexy ( x , y : int )

Description   The locatexy procedure is used to move the cursor so that the next output from put will be at approximately (x, y). The exact location may be somewhat to the left of x and below y to force alignment to a character boundary.

Example   This program outputs "Hello" starting at approximately (100, 50) on the screen.

        setscreen ("graphics")
        locatexy ( 100, 50 )
        put "Hello"

Details   The locatexy procedure is used to locate the next output based on x and y positions, where the position x=0, y=0 is the left bottom of the screen. See also the locate procedure which is used to locate the output-based row and column positions, where row 1 is the top row and column 1 is the left column.

The screen should be in a "graphics" mode. See the setscreen procedure for details. If the screen is not in a "graphics" mode, it will automatically be set to "graphics" mode.

See also   setscreen and drawdot.

See also predefined unit Text.