

GUI.Alert[2,3,Full]Part of GUI module

Syntax   One of four procedures:

 GUI.Alert (title, msg : string)
 GUI.Alert2 (title, msg1, msg2 : string)
 GUI.Alert3 (title, msg1, msg2, msg3 : string)
 GUI.AlertFull (title : string,
  msg : array 1 .. * of string, button : string)

Description   Displays a dialog box with the string specified by msg in it. There is a single button labelled OK which dismisses the dialog and resumes execution. The title parameter specifies the window title under Microsoft Windows. On the Apple Macintosh, there is no title, so do not assume the user will see the title. The dialog box is centered on the screen.

The GUI.Alert2 and GUI.Alert3 procedures allow the user to specify a two or three line message respectively. The GUI.AlertFull procedure allows the user to specify any number of lines of text in the string array specified by msg as well as the text in the dismissal button. Any empty strings at the end of the array are not displayed.

Note: This function is not available in the current version of the GUI Procedure Library (shipping with Turing 4.0 and MacOOT 1.5). It is documented here for use with future shipping version of Turing. It is likely to be implemented in the version of Turing released in September 2002. Check the release notes that are found in the on-line help to find out if this function is now available.

Example   The following program asks the user for the name of a file puts up an alert dialog box if it fails.

        import GUI in "%oot/lib/GUI"
        var fileName : string
        var streamNumber : int
            fileName := GUI.SaveFile ("Save As")
            open : streamNumber, fileName, put
            exit when streamNumber > 0
            GUI.Alert ("Open Failure", "\"" + fileName + 
                "\" could not be opened")
        end loop

Example   The following program asks the user for the name of a file puts up a more complete alert dialog box if it fails.

        import GUI in "%oot/lib/GUI"
        var fileName : string
        var streamNumber : int
            fileName := GUI.SaveFile ("Save As")
            open : streamNumber, fileName, put
            exit when streamNumber > 0
            GUI.Alert2 ("Open Failure", 
                "\"" + fileName + "\" could not be opened.",
                "Reason: " + Error.LastMsg)
        end loop

Example   The following program fragment displays an alert with four lines of text and a button that says "Abort".

        var message : array 1 .. 10 of string
        for i : 1 .. 10
            message (i) := ""
        end formessage (1) := "The program must now quit"
        message (2) := "becasue of an unrecoverable error."
        message (3) := "A Read Error occurred while reading"
        message (4) := "file \"" + fileName + "\"."
        message (5) := Error.LastMsg
        GUI.AlertFull ("Error", message, "Abort")

Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling GUI.Alert, not by calling Alert.