

Error.TripMsgPart of Error module

Syntax   Error.TripMsg (errorCode : int, errorMessage : string)

Description   Error.TripMsg is a procedure that sets the error number and error message that is returned by Error.Last and Error.LastMsg. It does not halt the program.

You can find a list of constants for the legal error codes in the module ErrorNum. Any call to Error.TripMsg should use a constant found in the ErrorNum module or zero, if the error code is not relevant (i.e. only the error message is relevant).

Example   This program sets an error code. The program outputs 201 for the error number and "File *really* not found" for the message.

        Error.TripMsg (eFsysFileNotFound, "File *really* not found")
        put "Error code = ", Error.Last
        put "Error message = ", Error.LastMsg


Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Error.TripMsg, not by calling TripMsg.