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Replay Frames

OpenHoldem has the ability to create “Replay Frames”, either automatically as set in Preferences, or when the “camera” icon on the main toolbar {Toolbars} is clicked. A “Replay Frame” (or “frame” for short), is a combination of a Windows bitmap-formatted image file (.bmp) and an associated HTML file. These two files, in combination, provide an easy way to reproduce and diagnose a particular game situation. This is extremely helpful in the building and testing of your Table Maps and bot logic in an offline fashion. Simply connect OpenHoldem to a live poker table, and collect interesting frames for later use. Then at a later time, use OHReplay to display these frames. Further connect OpenScrape or OpenHoldem to these OHReplay-displayed frames and work at your leisure.
The HTML provides crucial context for the frame, the most important of which is the title text. This text is used exhaustively in most Table Maps to understand the game state.
Often, when you post a problem or discussion on the forums, you will be asked to provide a frame and Table Map to help the developers diagnose your problem. Feel free to open the bitmap image in your favorite image editor (MS Paint?) and black out the sensitive portions if needed. Be aware that blacking out some parts of the image may prevent the developers or community from helping you, so be careful with that.
Both parts of the frame (.bmp and .html) and the associated Table Map are required to be provided when this is asked from you to help solve your problem!
Frames are created in a “replay” directory directly under the directory from which you launched OpenHoldem. The .bmp files are large, so ensure that you have enough space to hold the maximum number of frames you specified in {Preferences}. Once the maximum number is reached, OpenHoldem will start reusing frame numbers from the beginning.
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