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Creating a Table Map

Creating a Table Map is not a difficult process, once you get the hang of it, but it does have a steep learning curve. The benefit is that once you learn how to create maps, you can quite quickly take your bot to any casino on the Internet.
OpenScrape is the program that is used to create Table Maps. It provides a graphical interface to provide a set of parameters that are stored in human-readable text files with the .tm extension. Try it — open any .tm file in Notepad and you can quite clearly see the way the file is laid out. Each Table Map has a set of parameters, grouped by record type. The following sections will discuss how to use each of these record types to create your map.
figure images/introduction_openscrape_connected_to_manualmode.png
// OpenScrape 5.0.1
// 2014-07-04 16:36:34 
// 32 bits per pixel
// sizes 
z$clientsize       574  335
// strings 
s$nchairs                   10 
s$network                   pokerstars 
s$sitename                  openholdem 
s$betsizeconfirmationmethod    Click Bet 
s$betsizedeletionmethod        Nothing 
s$betsizeinterpretationmethod  3 
s$t0type                    fuzzy 
s$titletext                 Poker 
s$ttlimits                  ^*- ^L - blinds ^s/^b 
s$ttlimits0                 ^*- ^L - blinds ^s/^b - ante ^a 
s$ttlimits1                 ^*- ^L tourney - blinds ^s/^b - ante ^a
// regions 
r$c0cardface0        193 144 224 185        0    0 H0 
r$c0cardface0nocard  213 170 213 170   b6b6b6   10 C 
r$c0cardface1        232 144 263 185        0    0 H0
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