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Compiling the first dll

Step 1

Download MSVSE 2008 here: - Install with custom settings; there is no need to change anything.

Step 2

Create a new project: File -> New -> Project.
figure images/Guide001.jpg

Step 3

Choose Win32 Project Application, you can choose any name/directory you want for your project, but I suggest you stick with OH-DLL and C:\Projects for this tutorial
figure images/Guide002.jpg

Step 4

Don’t click the "Finish" button yet, but click on "Next".
figure images/Guide003.jpg

Step 5

Select "DLL" and "Empty project" on the following screen and click the "Finish" button now.
figure images/Guide004.jpg

Step 6

Download and copy the attached files into the project folder, as you can see on the screen it should be C:\Projects\OH-DLL\OH-DLL. The files are available at the Wiki:
figure images/Guide006.png

Step 7

  • Open the Solution Explorer: View -> Solution Explorer
  • Add the files to the project, select the "Source File" folder in the Solution Explorer -> Add -> Existing Item
  • Mark "OH-DLL.cpp" in your project folder and click add
  • Select the "Header File" folder and add the header file the same way
figure images/Guide005.png
figure images/Guide007.png
figure images/Guide008.png

Step 8

  • Now we need to change some options, right-click on the main tree OH-DLL, select Properties
  • Open the "C/C++" tree, select "General", select Additional Include Directories
  • Add the project folder here, c:\projects\oh-dll\oh-dll
figure images/Guide009.png
figure images/Guide010.png
figure images/Guide011.png

Step 9

Select "Precompiled Headers" in the "C/C++" tree and select "Not Using Precompiled Headers".
figure images/Guide012.png

Step 10

In the "Linker" tree under "General" you can change the destination of the dll Output File if you need.
figure images/Guide013.png

Step 11

You are ready to compile the dll, click on Build -> Build Solution or simply "F7".
figure images/Guide014.png
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