Rootkits are generally considered to be the subject of viruses, malware and other anti-social computer topics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rootkit). In the case of poker botting, however, we can use rootkits to our advantage. Specifically, since rootkits can hide such things as viruses, they can also hide OpenHoldem programs, ↓registry entries, ↓network ports (↓Bring traffic), files, etc.
This document will not give you specific steps for configuring and using a rootkit. That is up to you. However, a Google of “hacker defender” may or may not turn up some interesting results.
Your anti-virus software will go nuts if you try to run a rootkit while your anti-virus software is operating. If you can configure your anti-virus software with a white list, then this may help the situation. Otherwise, you may need to uninstall your anti-virus software to use a rootkit.
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