OpenHoldem is able to control external ↓rebuy-scripts with the bot, as this provides several advantages compared to hoppers:
- easy synchronisation with other bots due to built-in mutex-handling (avoiding mouse- and keyboard-conflicts).
- perfect timing, e.g. only when it is not your turn or between two hands.
- no need for the hopper to take care about your balance and simplified hopper-architecture in general.
The rebuy-script
The process to rebuy is still very specific for each casino (similar to TableMaps and lobby-handling), so there is no way to provide a built-in method that works for every casino. This casino-specific part of the job has to be done by an external rebuy-script, provided by the user. But this rebuy-script will usually become quite simple: some mouse-clicks and maybe keyboard-input are usually everything that needs to be done. For an example and possible starting-point see “RebuyDemo” in the source-tree at GoogleCode..
Many things can go wrong, when you try to rebuy, be it incorrect timing or a rebuy to the wrong value. To avoid such cases OpenHoldem does provide some security measures:
- always acquire the autoplayer-mutex before executing the rebuy-script
- optionally (as specified in the preferences) require a change in hand-number between two rebuys
- optionally rebuy only, when the user doesn’t hold cards
- optionally test heuristically for occlusion and sane balances
- optionally wait for a user-defined time between two attempts to rebuy
Calling the rebuy-script
Once all necessary conditions are met, OpenHoldem will execute the rebuy-script, that got specified in the preferences, and pass the necessary information as command-line-parameters:
Commandline-parameters |
Casino (name as specified in the TableMap) |
Windowhandle of the pokertable (HWND) |
UserChair (0-9) |
Balance (in dollars) |
SmallBlind (in dollars) |
BigBlind (in dollars) |
BigBet (in dollars) |
Target-amount (in dollars) |
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