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OpenHoldem Preferences - Replay Frames

Replay Frames preferences control how OpenHoldem collects Replay Frames for offline development and debugging use. See the {Replay Frames} section for more information on using Replay Frames.
figure Images/preferences_replay_frames.png
  • Never: If this setting is checked, OpenHoldem will not record any Replay Frames.
  • When it’s my turn: If this setting is checked, OpenHoldem will collect exactly one replay-frame when it is your turn, exactly on the same heartbeat-cycle when the decision is taken. This is probably the most commonly used option, as it helps you to reproduce OpenHoldems decision making process.
  • On change in tablestate when in hand: If this preference is checked, it instruct OpenHoldem to collect Replay Frames on every screen scrape cycle when you are in the hand. This option is usefuk to reproduce a complete game-history, but it avoids duplicate frames and thus saves space on your hard disk..
  • On change in tablestate when in hand: Just lie the setting above this option will save every new replay-frame, but this time even if you are not in the hand. This might be usesful if you build your own stats-tracker, if you want to review your some of the secondary-formulas (f$sitin, f$close, ...) or if you want to build tablemaps that support these functions.
  • Maximum frames to store: OpenHoldem will collect a maximum number of Replay Frames as specified by this parameter, then it will reuse filenames starting at the beginning.
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