Iterations and Standard Deviation
Running AA headsup preflop with X iterations in OpenHoldem to determine the standard deviation in prwin for the various numbers of iterations. Here are the results:
Here is how to use the data in the above graphs:
- Decide what error you find acceptable 99% of the time. For example, if you are happy with getting prwin’s of 0.846 - 0.852 99% of the time for AA headsup preflop, your error would be (0.849) +- 0.003.
- That error is "3 standard deviations". To get 1 standard deviation, divide by 3 (to give std. dev. = 0.001).
- Find that standard deviation in the top chart and read off the number of iterations required. In our case, it would be 100,000 required iterations.
The prwin values you obtain will be within 1 standard deviation 67% of the time, within 2 standard deviations 95% of the time, and within 3 standard deviations 99% of the time.
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