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Iterations and Standard Deviation

Running AA headsup preflop with X iterations in OpenHoldem to determine the standard deviation in prwin for the various numbers of iterations. Here are the results:
figure Images/Nit_chart1.png
Here is how to use the data in the above graphs:
  1. Decide what error you find acceptable 99% of the time. For example, if you are happy with getting prwin’s of 0.846 - 0.852 99% of the time for AA headsup preflop, your error would be (0.849) +- 0.003.
  2. That error is "3 standard deviations". To get 1 standard deviation, divide by 3 (to give std. dev. = 0.001).
  3. Find that standard deviation in the top chart and read off the number of iterations required. In our case, it would be 100,000 required iterations.
figure Images/Nit_chart2.png
The prwin values you obtain will be within 1 standard deviation 67% of the time, within 2 standard deviations 95% of the time, and within 3 standard deviations 99% of the time.
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