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We hope you will never have to uninstall OpenHoldem on any of your machines. However, we often see enthusiastic newbies who download OpenHoldem and naively install it to their one and only machine without any attempts to stealth it. And then they ask how they can get their computer clean again — be it that they failed and want to play manually again or they want to create a clean setup for production.
Probably it is too late — you have already been flagged by your favourite casino. Anyway — the “best” way to get your PC “clean” again without a reinstallation:
  • Remove the complete installation directory and all other botting-related files you may have on your computer: executables, formulae, tablemaps, archives, logs, etc.
  • Delete any desktop icons and delete any startmenu shortcut (if you have created them) .
  • OpenHoldem (version 4.x+) no longer uses the registry to store its preferences. However Windows stores some information like last recently used files. Take a registry-editor like regedit.exe and search for “openholdem”, “openscrape”, “manualmode”, “.ohf”, “.oppl”, “.tm”, “maxinmontreal” and maybe some others.
  • Wipe your browser cache.
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