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OpenHoldem Directory

figure Images/Installation.png
In the OpenHoldem directoryyou will find the following files and sub-directories:
  • OpenHoldem.exe, ManualMode.exe, OHReplay.exe, Rebuy.exe — these are the main files for each of the programs in the OpenHoldem project. Details on how to use each of these are throughout this manual.
  • versus.bin — this optional file is a large lookup table that is used by the versus symbols. As the versus database is quite large and does not change it is not included in the archives with recent executables. It is available at and should be extracted to the OpenHoldem directory.
  • A file with .ini extensions — this is the configuration file with your preferred settings; OpenHoldem won’t store any information in the registry but use an ini-file instead; it can be named whatever you like, OpenHoldem will use it automatically, as long as there is only one ini-file in the directory.
  • OpenHoldem_Manual.chm — this manual.
  • OpenPPL_Manual.chm — the OpenPPL manual.
  • pokertracker_query_definitions.dll — a small DLL that contains the queries for all PokerTracker-symbols.
  • symbols_pokertracker.pdf — a short PDF-guide to the PokerTracker-symbols. This is a separate document, because the concept of query-definitions in a PokerTracker-DLL allows regular updates and fast additions of new PokerTracker-symbols.
  • OpenPPL_Library.ohf — a plain-text library that contains the definition of several 100 poker-logical symbols like StartingStacksize, NumberOfRaisesOnTurn, HadTopPairOnFlop, Position, etc. The OpenPPL-library will be loaded silently in the background and all symbols are automatically available both for OpenPPL and OH-script-users.
  • dbghelp.dll — this is a Microsoft file that is used to produce memory dumps on critical errors. These memory dumps are useful for the developers to diagnose issues.
  • keyboard.dll, mouse.dll, scraper.dll, user.dll — these files are all extensions to OpenHoldem that you can use to customize the software. More detail on all of these are provided in this document.
  • *.lib-files — these are linker files, necessary to link executables and DLLs against each other.
  • Files with .pdb extensions — these files contain the debug symbols that are required if you want to diagnose crashes or simply trace execution in a debugger. These files are usually not distributed with the executables as most end-users don’t need them and the people who want to debug OpenHoldem are usually able to create debug-executables on their own.
  • Documents-directory — this directory contains useful information like the release-notes that document changes and the license-information (GPL v3). Feel free to peruse these if you have problems falling asleep some night.
  • Logs — this directory contains the log-files of the OpenHoldem bots. The logs are named “oh_0.log” .. “oh_24.log”. The log-files provide very useful information if you want to track down mis-plays or even bugs. To get the correct file for a certain instance of OpenHoldem you can also use “Menu -> Edit -> View Log File” and OpenHoldem will open a text-editor with the correct log.
  • Hand_Histories — this directory contains auto-generated hand-histories for poker-sites that don’t store hand-histories at your hard-drive.
  • Scraper — this directory contains the tablemaps for your favourite casinos. Just add your new tablemaps there once they have been tested; OpenHoldem will then load these tablemaps, so that its auto-connector will be able to connect out-of-the box to any open table and start playing.