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Seated, active, playing

A player will be considered:
  • seated, if his chair is occupied
  • active: if he is posting blinds, i.e not sitting out
  • playing, if he holds cards; i.e either face-cards or cardbacks.
OpenHoldem will scrape the above information in this order and much depends on getting this information right. For example if a player is not even seated, then OpenHoldem will be smart and avoid the costly scraping of cards and especially names. Fortunately deciding if a player is seated or active can usually be done with an inexpensive and reliable hash-transformation, which usually requires only the colour of a single pixel.
Scraping cards works in a similar way: It requires:
  • cardbacks: again this information can usually be scraped with a cheap and reliable colour-transform
  • “nocard”-regions. These regions were introduced for two reasons: if a player holds no cards we can avoid the somewhat costly scraping for card-faces which usually requires fuzzy fonts. As an additional benefit we get improved error-detection in debug-mode, because a player either shows cardbacks, cardfaces or no-card.
  • cardfaces (or alternatively ranks plus suits): this information can sometimes be done with hashes or images, if the cards are always displayed the same way: but often the display will differ a little bit and you will need text-scraping (fuzzy fonts).
In practice it looks like this:
figure images_seated_active_playing/sap_1.jpg Not seated
pXseated == false
Rest does not matter
figure images_seated_active_playing/sap_2.jpg Seated, but sitting out
pXseated == true
pXactive == false
figure images_seated_active_playing/sap_3.jpg Seated and active, but not playing
pXseated == true
pXactive == true
pXcardback == false
pYcardfaceYnocard == true
figure images_seated_active_playing/sap_4.jpg Seated, active and playing (villain)
pXseated == true
pXactive == true
pXcardback == true
figure images_seated_active_playing/sap_5.jpg
Seated, active and playing
(usually hero, at some casinos villain at showdown)
pXseated == true
pXactive == true
pXcardback == false
pXcardfaceYnocard == false
Document generated by eLyXer 1.2.5 (2013-03-10) on 2017-02-25T19:25:05.140000