OpenHoldem Preferences
Stealth preferences control various detectable components of OpenHoldem, and are primarily useful in setting up a highly stealthed environment. See the {Stealth} chapter for more information.
- Simple Main Window Title: By default, OpenHoldem will include all sorts of useful information in its window title bar. This useful information is also easily identifiable by the casinos’ poker software. Check this preference to use a simple window title instead. OpenHoldem will then use the name of the executable in its title. For example if you rename the OpenHoldem binary to “ChessBase.exe” the title will be “ChessBase”.
↓Mutex Name: OpenHoldem uses system-wide mutexes to ensure that multiple running instances of OpenHoldem do not interfere with each other when performing Autoplayer actions. The name of this system-wide mutex is easily identifiable by the casinos’ poker software and it is suggested that this be changed to something else.
Remark: You have to restart all instances of OpenHoldem when you chance the mutex name, otherwise the synchronization will fail. - Window Class Name: Every window running under Microsoft Windows has a specific “class name” associated with it. This is easily identifiable by the casinos’ poker software and it is suggested that this be changed to something else.
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