Connecting to a table
As soon as you start OpenHoldem it will read all tablemaps in your scraper-folder and parse them for the information that is necessary to connect to a table. The auto-connector will then have a look for new tables that are not yet served by other instances once per heartbeat and connect if it finds a new one. This all happens automagically, however an explanation of what happens behind the scenes is useful if you have problems connecting to your target poker window. The following steps are taken to identify which windows on your screen are valid poker tables.
- A list of all visible top level windows that have a non-blank caption is collected
- Each window in this list is compared against each tablemap that you have placed in your scraper directory. For each step that follows, if a non-match is detected, OpenHoldem will then immediately move on to the next window / tablemap.
The size of the client portion of the window is compared to the clientsize records in the tablemap. The window is considered a match if the tablemap indicates the correct size as given by the record clientsize, or if the size is within the size limits given by clientsizemin and clientsizemax. Example from a real-world-tablemap:
// // sizes // z$clientsizemin 400 300 z$clientsizemax 1600 1200 z$targetsize 800 600
The window’s title text is compared to the keyword text filters provided by titletext records in the tablemap. The window is considered a match if the free-form text in any of the titletext records is found in the window’s title. Additionally, if any negative !titletext records are present in the Table Map, then a window is considered a non-match if the free-form text in any of the negative !titletext records is found in the window’s title. Example:
s$titletext PartyPoker
- Optionally OpenHoldem will also compare tablepoints. These tablepoints are useful to distinguish very similar tables that require different tablemaps, for example 10-chair and 6-chair-tables. They can be distinguished by placing a tablepoint at one of the chairs that does not exist for the other kind of table.
- If OpenHoldem finds a matching pair of tablemap and table it will look in the shared memory data-structures if the table gets already served by another bot. If this is not the case OpenHoldem will connect to that table. The connected table will then be moved to a free slot if the table-positioner is enabled, resized if a targetsize is specified and the autoplayer will start playing.