Monitor, Record, and Display NI-VISA API Calls

NI Serial Hardware and Software

Monitor, Record, and Display NI-VISA API Calls

NI-Spy is available only on Windows.

To monitor NI-VISA calls, use NI Spy as follows:

  1. Launch MAX.
  2. Expand the Devices and Interfaces directory by clicking the + next to the folder.
  3. Right-click on your serial interface and select NI Spy from the drop-down menu that appears.
  4. On the NI Spy toolbar, click the blue arrow button to start a capture.
  5. Start the NI-VISA application you want to monitor.

NI Spy records and displays all NI-VISA calls, as shown below.

For more information about using NI Spy, select HelpĀ»Help Topics in NI Spy.