How can I determine which type of serial hardware I have installed?

NI Serial Hardware and Software

How can I determine which type of serial hardware I have installed?

To view the serial hardware installed on your Windows system, complete the following steps:

  1. Launch MAX.
  2. Under My System, expand the Devices and Interfaces directory by clicking on the + next to the folder. MAX lists your installed serial hardware under Devices and Interfaces, as shown in the following figure.

To view the serial hardware installed on your LabVIEW Real-Time controller, complete the following steps:

  1. Launch MAX.
  2. Expand Remote Systems by clicking the + next to the folder.
  3. Find your RT controller in the list and expand it.
  4. Expand the Devices and Interfaces directory.
  5. Expand the Serial entry. MAX lists your installed serial hardware under Serial, as shown in the following figure.