How do I access my serial ENET interface using the hostname?
If you want to use the same hostname that the device is configured with and you know its IP address, skip to the next step. Otherwise, run the NI Ethernet Device Configuration utility. (You must use a computer on the same subnet as the device.) Refer to Viewing Network Settings for more information about the NI Ethernet Device Configuration utility.
- Verify the device is present on the network by pinging the IP address of your device. Ping is a network utility that sends a packet to a device/host on the network, then waits for it to be echoed back, which indicates an active device/host. Find the directory where ping is installed and type in the following command:
ping IPaddress
where IPaddress is the IP address assigned to your serial device server. When your device responds to the ping requests, repeat this procedure, but this time using the hostname:ping hostname
- If your device fails to respond when using the hostname, the DNS entry for the device is incorrect.
- If the network parameters were statically (manually) assigned, the hostname must be manually entered in your network's Domain Name Server (DNS) table before you can use the hostname to communicate with your device. Have your network administrator enter this information.
- You also can manually check that the device's hostname has been entered in the DNS table by using NSLookup. This network utility queries the DNS for entries in the DNS table. You can use NSLookup to determine the hostname associated with any particular IP address listed in theDNS table. Find the directory where NSLookup is installed and type in the following command:
nslookup IPaddress
where IPaddress is the IP address you want to look up. Alternately, to determine the IP address associated with a particular hostname, type in the following command instead:nslookup hostname
If you still cannot communicate with your device, contact National Instruments.