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MaQs        Scanning

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A Scanning module is an essential component of the MaQS Application Suite and is either run on a PDA device or a desktop PC:

The main menu is divided into three distinct function groups:

Some of the functions in CSSD/SSD have been replaced with the new Decontamination module

CSSD/SSD: used for all process functions within the sterilising department

THEATRE:  used to allocate items to a patient or cancel patient items

ADMINISTRATION: used for Stock Take Functions, PDA setup and receiving files.


When the scanning module is run from a PDA device, information can be entered using either the embedded laser scanner or the PDA keyboard.

When run from a desktop PC, information can be entered using either a USB cabled scanner or the keyboard.

When the keyboard is used, either the enter/return key has to be pressed or the OK button clicked on the screen. However, when the laser trigger is used to scan the required data, the enter/return key is done automatically.