Category & PO Groups


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Category & PO Groups

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Category Codes are used to link store items to defined categories.  To add or edit a category double click a store record and then click on the Category Link.  PO Groups are edited in the same way.

Store stock item screen is also used to set alternate rebate codes for individual stores.  E.g.  If a special purchase price is used for a store item the rebate code will be different from the List price Rebate Code.  This field is important when allocating to patients to ensure the store location price and rebate are used.  If the Rebate Field is left blank the default rebate code will be used.

To add a new record select Add. The code Id must be unique.

Purchase Order Groups are used to link store items to defined locations within the store.  To add or edit a PO Group double click a store record and then click on the PO Group Link.