Role Management


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Every user of MaQS (operator), is assigned a Role. Each role determines access to different parts of MAQS. e.g. CSSD operators can print labels and theatre operators can assign items to patients but not vice versa.


Some examples of roles and access levels commonly used are:


·Administrator - Full access (Each administrator should have their own ID and password)
·Supervisor - Access to add instruments and packs, operators, print labels, do store adjustments and create look up files. (Each supervisor should have their own ID and password)
·Sterilising Operator - Access limited to print labels and hand held functions involving the sterilising process
·Theatre Operator - Access to Hand held functions related to patients


see Common Form Functions for navigation instructions.




After Roles have been defined, highlight a role and then select the Role Menu Items tab to assign the permitted functions for that role.



Highlight each Role Menu Item on the left hand side of the form and tick the Add, Change and Delete boxes as appropriate.

Use the red arrow keys in the centre of the screen to move functions between the left and right fields.

Items on the right hand side of the screen are those permissible for the selected role.