Options Menu


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Options Menu


Preferences.. (F6)

All program settings can be adjusted via the Preferences. Some of these settings can also be configured on a per-site basis through the Site Manger.
Opens up the Preferences dialog.


File Transfer Rules.. 

This dialog allows you to configure how FlashFXP will automatically react to specific conditions when the file being transferred already exists in the destination folder.

Opens up the File Transfer Rules dialog.



This dialog allows you to configure the ASCII file type rule set, the global skip list, priority list and highlights.

Opens up the Filters dialog.


File Associations.. 

Associate a file with an application when viewing and/or editing.

Opens the File Associations dialog.




This allows you to change the language of the FlashFXP interface.



This allows you to translate the text in FlashFXP to any language you desire.


Import Language file..

This allows you to load and import a language translation file into FlashFXP.


Download / Update..

This allows you to download additional languages and language updates.

Last modified: Saturday, June 15, 2013

Copyright © 2010-2013 OpenSight Software, LLC