Command Line Switches


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Command Line Switches


FLASHFXP.EXE [-switches] [ftp:// or sitename or queuefile.fqf] [; ftp:// or sitename]



Connecting to a single ftp server...


FLASHFXP.EXE Default Sites\Game Sites\Sierra On-Line, Inc.


Connecting to multiple ftp servers (maximum two)...


FLASHFXP.EXE Default Sites\Commercial Sites\Mozilla; Default Sites\Commercial Sites\Adobe


Loading a saved queue file...

FLASHFXP.EXE "C:\My Documents\updatemysite.fqf"


You may use either -switch or /switch. Switch values *must* be quoted if they contain spaces (eg: -switch="some value").
All settings are temporary and effect the current FlashFXP session only.


When passing a site name to a command line switch each group is separated by a \ (backslash) so if a site named "omega" was within a group called "alpha" you would use "\alpha\omega" to reference the site.






Lets you backup your configurations and .dat files to a single file. Use the .fbk extension.


Lets you select the working directory where your configurations and .dat files are loaded and stored.


Automatically begins transfer of file(s).


Example to load a queue and transfer it

flashfxp.exe -get "c:\queue.fqf"


Example to download the file rfc959.txt to c:\my downloads\

flashfxp.exe -get -localpath="C:\My Downloads\"


(same as -get).


Enqueue a download and then transfer the queue. Must use Site Manager (no ftp:// links).


Example to download a folder

flashfxp.exe -download <sitename> -remotepath="\ftp\folder\" -localpath="c:\path\newfolder\"



Enqueue a upload and then transfer the queue. Must use Site Manager (no ftp:// links).


Example to upload a folder

flashfxp.exe -upload <sitename> -remotepath="\incoming\newfolder\" -localpath="c:\path\folder\"


Enqueue a site to site transfer and then transfer the queue. Must use site manager (no ftp:// links).
Always use <Source>;<Destination>.


Example to FXP a folder

flashfxp.exe -fxp <sitename>;<sitename> -remotepath="\source\folder\" -remotepath="\target\folder\"


Enqueue a delete command and then execute it on the server.
This can be combined with the -c2 or -quit switch to close FlashFXP after performing the command.


Example to delete a single file:

flashfxp.exe "\alpha\omega" -delete="\path\to\file.ext"


Example to delete a folder and all sub-folders within it:

flashfxp.exe "\alpha\omega" -delete="\path\to\delete\"


Enqueue a raw command and then execute it on the server.
This can be combined with the -c2 or -quit switch to close FlashFXP after performing the command.



flashfxp.exe "\alpha\omega" -raw="SITE WHO"



Rename a file or folder on the server.

Always use absolute paths when specifying the original and new name.

This can be combined with the -c2 or -quit switch to close FlashFXP after performing the command.



flashfxp.exe "\alpha\omega" -rename="/public/today.txt" -to="/public/yesterday.txt"



Move a file or folder on the server. (identical to -rename above).


Starts FlashFXP maximized.


Starts FlashFXP minimized.


Starts FlashFXP in the system tray.


Starts FlashFXP locked to the tray, using this password.


Starts FlashFXP locked to the tray, using your security password.
(used in combination with -pass="<password>", see below).


Enters your security password if your sites are protected (see: sites > security).


When this parameter is combined with loading a queue file via the command line, it will update the original queue file on exit.


When this parameter is combined with loading a queue file via the command line, it will save the queue on exit using the defined filename.


Restore the auto-saved queue from the last time you quit (can be used with -go to automatically resume your last session if interrupted).


Sets the local browser to this local path.


Sets the remote browser to this remote path.
Can be used twice if connecting to 2 sites for FXP, use after each site name.



FlashFXP.exe "Site" -remotepath="/uploads/"


Example of using it twice when connecting to two sites.

FlashFXP.exe "Site 1" -remotepath="/uploads/";"Site 2" -remotepath="/downloads/"


Specify a custom location save data logs.

If the option Store logs in unique session folders is checked then the logs will be saved into <path>\Session\<year>-<month>-<day>_<hour>.<minute>.<second>\ otherwise the logs will be combined with any previous files directly under <path>


1 = on 0 = off


Each index (1-8) identifies which log file to enable:

1. log session

2. log uploads

3. log downloads

4. log fxp

5. log successful *

6. log failed *

7. log skipped *

8. log summary


 * This is used together with log uploads, downloads, or fxp.


To set a custom log folder and and save the session you would use
FlashFXP.exe -logpath="C:\data\logs\" -logopt=10000000


Sets the default selective transfer rule set. (see: tools > selective transfer).

the listname parameter is name of the rule set.


Example where my rule set is named "only .txt files" which might be set to only include *.txt files

FlashFXP.exe -ruleset="only .txt files"


This will close FlashFXP after completing the operation.


This switch can be combined with -get, -download, -upload, -fxp, -delete, -raw, -rename, -move, -import


On transfer complete, do the following:
0 = idle (default)
1 = disconnect site(s)
2 = quit flashfxp
3 = hang up modem
4 = hang up and quit flashfxp
5 = hang up and turn off computer
6 = turn off computer
7 = log off computer
8 = hibernate (if supported)

9 = sleep (if supported)



Additional Optional Parameters


-group="<group name>"





Import a exported site list (.ftp type) into FlashFXP


-group Allows the user to place the imported site into a specific group, nested grouping is supported by separating each group with a \ (backslash)

i.e. -group="websites\company x"


-yes will auto-overwrite any existing site in the same location with the same name, otherwise the user will be prompted to confirm the operation.


-quit will close FlashFXP after completing the import operation.



More Examples:


If you want to automatically download a specific file from an FTP site: 

FLASHFXP.EXE -get -localpath="C:\My Downloads\"


If you want FlashFXP to startup as a tray icon, automatically update your website, and close FlashFXP when it has finished: 

FLASHFXP.EXE -tray -c2 -go updatemysite.fqf


If you want FlashFXP to startup maximized and ready to work on your website, you might do one of the following:

FLASHFXP.EXE -max My Website

FLASHFXP.EXE -max -localpath="C:\My Documents\My Website\" My Website -remotepath="/public_html/"

FLASHFXP.EXE -max -localpath="C:\My Documents\My Website\" ftp://user:[email protected]/public_html/


If you want FlashFXP to connect to two sites and set their remote-path to a specific folder, you might do one of the of the following:

FLASHFXP.EXE Default Sites\Software Archives\Walnut Creek -remotepath="/pub/"; Default Sites\Software Archives\Sunsite -remotepath="/pub/"

FLASHFXP.EXE -remotepath="/pub/"; -remotepath="/pub/"



If you want to restore and resume the last auto-saved session in the event of a power failure, you might put this shortcut in your Windows Startup folder:

FLASHFXP.EXE -min -restorequeue -go


If you want to prevent anyone from tampering with your transfer:

FLASHFXP.EXE -lock="xyzzy" -restorequeue -go


If you have set a security password set to encrypt your sites.dat (under Sites > Security), you can automatically enter your password with the following:

FLASHFXP.EXE -pass="foobar"


If you have a security password set and want to prevent anyone from tampering with your transfer:

FLASHFXP.EXE -pass="foobar" -lock -restorequeue -go


Last modified: Saturday, June 15, 2013

Copyright © 2010-2013 OpenSight Software, LLC