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Create new Certificate (Self-Signed)
X.509 Certificates are used for FTP-SSL user-authentication. You can create your own certificates with FlashFXP. FTP-SSL servers can use X.509 certificates to validate your user login.
Key Size
This defines the private key size. Sizes for SSL must be either 1024, 2048 or 4096 bits. To be FIPS 140-2 compliant we suggest only using a key size of 4096 bits or larger.
Common Name
The Hostname users use in their FTP clients to connect to the server. For example: If users normally connect to: "http://ftp.ftpserver.com:21" then, enter "ftp.ftpserver.com" (without quotes) here.
Company or individual user name.
Organization Unit
Name of the department or organizational unit creating the certificate.
E-mail address you would like to associate with the certificate.
State or Province
State or province where you are located.
City or town where you are located.
Country where you are located.
Public Key Length
Set the length of the public key to 512, 768, 1024, 2048, or 4096 bits. Longer public keys allow stronger encryption.
Set the date when the SSL Certificate will expire.
Allow Exporting of Private Key
When checked, This option will allow the private key to be exported. This can cause a security risk and you must ensure no unauthorized person can access an exported private key file.
Last modified: Saturday, June 15, 2013 |
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