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Delete files/folders
When checked, You will be prompted to confirm the delete operation.
Note: The confirmation of nested remote directory deletion cannot be disabled.
Moves files/folders
When checked, You will be prompted to confirm a move when objects are dropped in the same view or onto folders in the tree.
Clear Queue
When checked, You will be prompted to confirm clearing the content of the transfer queue.
Delete queue items
When checked, You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of items in the transfer queue..
Exit with non empty queue
When checked, You will be prompted to confirm closing FlashFXP when transfer queue is not empty.
Exit during transfer
When checked, You will be prompted to confirm closing FlashFXP during a file transfer.
Saves site changes in Site Manager
When checked, You will be prompted to confirm any unsaved changes before changing sites or closing the Site Manager.
Delete queue in the restore queue
When checked, You will be prompted to confirm deletion of saved queue files in the queue restore dialog.
Restore FlashFXP for confirmations
When checked, The FlashFXP application window is restored for any confirmation prompts.
Last modified: Saturday, June 15, 2013 |
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