Administrative lock-down controls


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Administrative lock-down controls


The following settings allow administrators to disallow the user from performing certain actions within FlashFXP.


These settings are configured via the windows registry.


On 32-bit versions of Windows the location is:



On 64-bit versions of Windows the location is:



And add a new DWORD (32-bit) value of (insert name from the table below) with a value of 1





This will remove the application password protection feature from the main menu (Sites > Security) and prevents the user from setting an global application password.


This will remove the back-up and restore feature from the main menu (Tools > Backup and Restore configuration) and prevents the user from creating a configuration backup or restoring a backup. A configuration back-up contains all application settings and site profiles.


This will remove the export feature from the site manager and prevent the user from exporting site profiles.


This will disable the site connection history on the connection drop down menu as well as on the Windows superbar right-click menu.


This will disable the check for new version feature within FlashFXP.


This will prevent the user from viewing the passwords of site profiles and overrides the "Reveal password when selecting password field" setting located in the Preferences dialog > General Options.


In addition this will prevent the user from copying the site URL with the password to the clipboard.


These settings do not apply to the USB portable or U3 portable editions of FlashFXP.

Last modified: Saturday, June 15, 2013

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