Disk Space Used dialog


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Disk Space Used dialog


Compute the total size of all files in a directory tree.


·Start In 
Enter the path to the directory tree on the ftp server.
Use the pull down tab to select previous searches.

·Start in selected folders
Starts the search in the folder you currently have selected on the ftp server in the main window.




 List directories recursively (Not supported by all servers)

Performs a quick scan of directories, if supported.


 Do not follow folder links

Only scan the contents of real directories. Do not scan a directory if it is a link to another directory.


 Search Depth 

Specify the maximum number of nested folders to scan into.

Default: 0 (no limit)



Displays the total number of files, folders, and disk space used.



Perform the scan to determine the ftp space used.


Display a listing for all directories in the tree with path, number of files, number of nested folders, and total file size.


Last modified: Saturday, June 15, 2013

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