Adding Images


Adding Images

To add an image to your RAMP command handler, put this example generic code into your SHARED object:  

 var SHARED = 



   /* ------------------------------------------------- */ 

   /* Handle clicking on a prompt image                 */  

   /* ------------------------------------------------- */ 


   oFloatingImage : null,


   InsertImage : function(sBesideField,sSource,iHeight,iWidth,iHOffset,iVOffset)


       var oE = HTMLAPI.getElementbyName(sBesideField);


       if (oE == null) return;


       var oC = HTMLAPI.getcontainerDIV(oE);


       if (oC == null) return;


       if (this.oFloatingImage == null)


          this.oFloatingImage = oC.ownerDocument.createElement("<IMG style='position:absolute; visibility:hidden; display:none;' >");  




       this.oFloatingImage.src               = sSource;    =  + iVOffset;   = + + iHOffset; = iHeight;  = iWidth;    = "visible";     = "inline";





And add a new line to your standard layout function to make sure the image dispappears as new screens arrive:

    ApplyStandardLayout : function(aPromptFields)



      /* Drop any floating images left around from before */


      if (this.oFloatingImage != null) { = "hidden"; = "none"; }



You have now added you own completey generic InsertImage capability to any RAMP-TS 5250 screen.Try it out by adding this line to the arrival script of a screen:





And you get this:


The SHARED.InsertImage() can now be reused anywhere in your application. Do not forget to set authority correctly on an new files in Axes folder.

Remember that adding a new command handler tab for the image would be a quicker and easier solution.