When Are Scripts Reloaded so That Change Can Be Tested


When Are Scripts Reloaded so That Change Can Be Tested?

Destination, Special and Junction (Screen) scripts

They are reloaded into the execution environment when your click the commit button.

This means you can normally test script changes dynamically by just be causing the modified script to re-execute (for example by clicking on another object in the instance list to re-execute an arrival script). You do not normally have to save and restart your VLF-RAMP sessions to test most modifications to screen scripts.


SHARED scripts in uf_sy420_rts.js

These scripts are loaded once when the VLF-RAMP session is opened.

Changing these scripts will have no impact until you open another VLF-RAMP session.

Tip: When testing SHARED scripts, open the business object you are using for testing them in an independent window.

When you change a SHARED script, save it to the server, close the independent window and then launch it again. This will close and reopen the VLF-RAMP session in the independent window, picking up the modified SHARED script.