



If you are planning to use aXes to redesign your screens, you should complete the aXes tutorials which can be accessed from the aXes home page.

To launch aXes from your browser, use this url: http://hostname:80/wba/home.html  (replace hostname with the name of your host, and if necessary change the default port 80). Click on the Tutorials link on the right of the aXes home page and then the Tutorial 0 – Getting Started link.   

Important Observations

  • There are sometimes alternative ways of creating a screen enhancement. For example, you can visualize a date field as a calendar drop-down either by using a special field handler or by making it a Date extension in aXes.
  • You can use aXes from the aXes home page to name and redesign screens without using RAMP Tools. You need to use RAMP Tools for classifying screens and scripting.



  • aXes also supports themes. They can directly map to VLF themes. In a nutshell this means that when you define a role-based style in aXes named "KeyDetails" (say) that says key text should be emphasized and bolded - you can actually theme the style so that for VLF theme Blue the text color is dark blue, for theme Silver the text color is black, for theme Olive the text color is dark green, etc.
  • Don't use bright primary colors and large or fancy fonts. Using large fonts, fancy fonts and bright primary colors may work in web page displayed enhanced 5250 screens. However, the VLF tends to produce more low key screens - so these types of things will stand out unnecessarily and often quite badly.


What You Should Know

  • How to use aXes eXtensions to enhance the screens in your RAMP application.