RAMP TSAD07 Step 7 Fine Tuning


RAMP-TSAD07 Step 7.  Fine Tuning

While testing your Next -> Next -> Previous button processing you may have noticed a flicker as RAMP-TS navigates through intermediate screens.

This may be particularly noticeable when using the Previous button on screen UFRTS03_D3, because the underlying 5250 application design means that you need to do this:


        switch (sButton)
           case KeyF12:  /* F12-Previous means go back to UFRTSD03_02 */
                 ALERT_MESSAGE("Invalid function key used");

The flicker is because you started this button handling sequence with the current 5250 screen visible.

Your script is not quite complete yet and needs to be fined tuned. Change it to this:


        switch (sButton)
           case KeyF12:  /* F12-Previous means go back to UFRTSD03_02 */
                 ALERT_MESSAGE("Invalid function key used");

The HIDE_CURRENT_FORM() function call causes the current RAMP-TS screen to be hidden, preventing the intermediate screen navigations from being seen (ie: the flashes). 

The RAMP_TS screen becomes visible again when the SHOW_FORM function in the vHandle_ARRIVE script of the ultimate destination is executed.